Ensure the technical services needed for your project is always online. Since the housing to the backups will not have to worry about anything.
We do an inspection and carry out regular testing of all areas and features of the site to ensure their proper functioning.
Contact us
We provide e-mail boxes, for themselves and their employees, so you can communicate with their customers, suppliers and partners. Use e-mail with the termination of your brand "yourname@yourbrand.com."
We do the testing and carry out regular tests to all areas and features of the site to ensure its operation. We carry out a regular check for forms and emails assigned to the project, we analyze the performance of site-level navigation, we perform regular backups of the code and database.
Care of everything so you have the right address for your website. We register and renew domains. With .net, .org and .me. .pt (e.g. your_business.com). We carry out technical and administrative domains. We host your site in high-end servers.
Follow all there is to know about the behavior of your site and its visitors. The number of visits per month, the list of cities who visited their promotions page, there is a world of valuable information available through our service statistics implemented in Google Analytics.