
Building websites

In an increasingly competitive market and globalized world, having a website has become indispensable for any company. Allows you to communicate and sell products and services.

All our websites are built on a base platform that makes available a wide range of features tailored to your needs at a very low cost.

The end result is a website that fulfills all the customer's requirements at a fraction of the cost it would have if the entire solution were custom-built from scratch.

Website building and maintenance
From 75€/month

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Refresh Multimedia - Building websites

Building and Maintenance of Websites



User management: restricted area

With the aim of sharing proprietary information, discounts and other perks for registered users, the reserved area may be a point of difference for your business. Allows you to create greater interaction and targeting your customers.


Promote your site. Generate debate.

With the disclosure of relevant content, the company blog can make it a reference in your area. Attract qualified traffic to the site and win new customers. Through the forums, know your customer profile, listen to your opinion and find opportunities for innovation.


Inform is captivating

Featured news and content current and relevant to the user. Capture their interest and ensure their regular attendance at your site.


Monitor: make a good management

Access reports of navigation and user interaction on your site. Notice how the customers coming to your site, you sail, which the average length of stay and what conversion rates. Analyze and make business decisions on the Web


Expand your business

If you want to gain a competitive advantage over its competition, have a multilingual website is absolutely imperative. Break the language barrier, win new customers and start the process of internationalization of your company.


Communicate effectively

The communication between the company and their audience often starts with the contact form on the site. Create customizable forms and facilitate this exchange of information with the user. Give visibility to your forms and open that door of communication.


Make your site attractive

On the Web, the richness and variety of media and content generates more interactivity with the user. Use photographs, graphics, audio, videos and enrich your site. Become catchy, do not pass indifferent to current and future customers.


Retain and lead

Streamline your site and engage the user through the dissemination of events and calendars of the company or sector that fits. This is a way to generate interest from your audience and keep constant contact with the site.


Advice on the content type

Mobile phone users, or other mobile devices, search content that can be easily found anywhere. We provide advice on the type of content most suited to your site earn more: Accessibility, Mobility and Exhibition.


Design for mobile devices

We adapt the design of your website to provide a quick navigation for users. Our goal is that your website has content that is accessible, interactive and relevant. The design of the website on mobile devices is to provide a quick navigation for users.


Resizing is a necessity

Resizing the content of a website for mobile devices is essential to be able to access any text or image without there being overlap of content. Convey perfectly the content you want.


Update web content

The fact that a website on mobile devices, does not mean you have to update content to resort to such devices. Just have an Internet connection and this update can be done on any computer.